You can now link into Open WorldCat with ISBNs, ISSNs, and OCLC numbers. Here's a page explaining how to do it. So now when you want to link to one of your favorite books, you can use instead of something like Or even link to a classic edition: And, I was pleased to note, the FRBR work we've done bringing together editions of works means that if you click on the 'Other editions of item' link in the Find in a library page, you'll see that the same list comes up for both.
The WorldCat pages seem to come up quicker than Amazon's too.
Update (February 2007): These links still work, but the form is deprecated. Follow the page link for the latest information.
Why didn't you use OpenURL 1.0 to do this? Why create another syntax when one already exists that fits a standard now widely used?
Posted by: Bill Drew | August 03, 2005 at 10:20
Would that be Open URL 0.1 or 1.0?
Actually, I've suggested that we support OpenURLs for this, and I believe we plan to. This syntax was used because it was already in place for the Partners' program. We probably should have used OpenURL originally for that, but if I remember correctly, there was some reluctance to do so, since we were only going to support such a small part of what OpenURLs promise.
Posted by: Thom | August 03, 2005 at 12:02