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Adam Chandler

The part of the "Find it in a Library" that bugs me everytime I come back to it is this:

I am associated with an institution, Cornell University. Cornell subscribes to OCLC products and so therefore OCLC could (and should recognize) my affiliation (by IP address) easily, at least when I am on campus. So why does the service point me to copies of books at nearby universities? Does the service expect me to drive down the road for a copy? Instead the service should highlight the Cornell holdings. Maybe there could be a simple behind the scenes circ status ping protocol so you could tell me if it is on the shelf. Or easier yet, just make a big link to the Cornell link resolver and take me there. Alternatively, the service could check the Cornell holdings in WorldCat. If we hold the title, offer me a link to our local catalog; if we do not have the title, offer a big link to our ILL office, one that would send an OpenURL to our Illiad interface.


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